The belief in an extraordinary life

Lux Bio Analytics is based in Minnesota, USA, but serves clients worldwide. We help people discover, embody and express incredible holistic health, which leads to extraordinary lives. This can be you. You are worth prioritizing and you can have an amazing life.
Are you ready to start?

Behind the Name: "Lux" represents light, and "Bio" signifies life. The choice of the business name "Lux Bio Analytics" is deeply rooted in Julie's unique approach to health. It embodies the essence of her compassionate yet proactive methodology. This approach is akin to shining a light on the areas of our lives that require attention and illuminating the path to extraordinary health.

Words I live by

You have to be willing to do the things today others won't do in order to have the things tomorrow others won't have. - Les Brown

My story

"If she can, I can."

I have 25+ years of experience in natural health and simultaneously worked in the medical arena as a nationally certified interpreter for 20 of those years. In 2022, I decided I could no longer participate in a field that was so wrought with perpetuation of inaccurate health information. Medicine and health are two separate fields and need to be treated as such.  Both are necessary, both are good, when applied appropriately.
Using a tool, medicine, for a purpose it isn't suited for almost invariably leads to ineffectiveness. In my childhood, I frequently battled illness and saw numerous doctors.  My immune system was compromised due to excessive antibiotic prescriptions and other environmental factors. I was informed that I would likely forever be labeled as "sickly." And for a time, I believed it.

However, at the age of 15, my life underwent a transformative shift when I crossed paths with a master herbalist. From that moment onward, I wholeheartedly embraced the tenets of natural healing. I embarked on a journey that encompassed formal education and self-directed learning. This journey led to the attainment of my interpreting degree, specialization in medical interpreting, Traditional Naturopath diploma, acquisition of numerous certifications, and the consumption of hundreds of books. One of my mentors unapologetically declares, "If she can, I can." This phrase serves as a reminder to avoid limiting beliefs, especially when it comes to health. Had I accepted the "sickly" title, that belief, my life would be a shadow of what it is now. My health is rooted in the belief that I am fearfully and wonderfully made and because of this, I live an extraordinary life.
Training (not exhaustive)

Extraordinary health is possible!

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